Why You Need a Custom Archiving Solution

By Andrea Andino
— Last Updated:

Some may wonder why you need a custom archiving solution. Simple, you will avoid future headaches, and perhaps save and make hundreds of dollars in the process. We all learn from our past experiences, and considering that is very important to keep everything logged and archived properly; so that it will be efficient and easy to recall when need it.

Let’s face it we all have had to recall or look for some data to compare it to new data etc. There are few archiving service providers that have good ratings on our website. For example Amazon or JustCloud to name a couple of service providers.

Your Company’s Archiving Solution Is Your Lifeline

Your company’s applications allow you to manage critical activities that keep your business running.  I.E. order processing, inventory management, customer service and finance.

To keep the wheels turning smoothly in your company you depend on all the applications and relevant data to keep your business growing, but what happens when you need to keep upgrading, because you have no more room, and certain information becomes less relevant, but you still need it for future statistical purposes?

This is when you should start considering a custom archiving system. Why custom? Because you want your recalls to be done seamless and with logic, and this can only be done when you create a custom archiving system.

For example, each day when you make new transactions, the older ones become less relevant, but chances are you will need them for management reports or compliance. This doesn’t mean you need to keep history details together with current transactions.  Database archiving system can segregate your data and safely move them to a secure archive.

You can archive service orders, payments or shipments with just one click. You are in charge of the business policies and archiving criteria at all times, and this can come in handy when you are looking to compare one specific transaction from a specific year to the current year. Retrieving it will be easy if you designed your archiving parameters.

If for some reason or another you need to retrieve your data it will be easier if you had a custom archiving system built. Let’s take for example the following scenario: You need to restate a prior period financials or reopen a paid insurance claim.

This can probably cause a lot of headaches if you don’t have a proper custom archiving system in place. You can spend countless hours perusing through reports/data, but if you have a custom made archiving system you can quickly locate and restore just the data you need a single transaction or the months or year you need.

The Benefits Of Having A Custom Archiving System


  • Increase the amount of free space
  • Reclaim capacity on high-performance databases
  • Gain more control over your IT budget


  • Limits the amount of free space
  • Your system may run slowly
  • Limits your IT budget

The benefits of having a custom archiving system are infinite! It frees up the amount of space you will have in your system, and by archiving historical transactions, you reclaim capacity on your high-performance databases.  This will give you more control over your IT budget, while at the same time allowing your applications to run better, faster, and more smoothly.

And let’s face it when performance and availability are enhanced it will drive your business productivity in the right direction, and at the end of the day, we all want our business to run well, be profitable and flourish.

But remember growth and expansions can put your application database on overload, making it harder to manage your data. Not having a custom archiving system in place can increase your cost and keep you from meeting service level agreements, and if you think that by doing a simple upgrade will solve the problem think again!

You will only create a bigger mess. So, why would you give yourself the added pressure and more work, when you could have a quick solution to retrieve your data? With a single, consistent custom archiving solution you can manage, retain and control your company’s data. 

When you build a custom archiving system, you can create a life-cycle for your data. This helps you manage, store and retain your company’s data, based on its evolving business value. Having a clear idea of where you see your company going and what areas you expect more growth in the next few years will help you design a custom archiving system that will help you build a bigger and better future for your company.

And let’s keep in mind that all data– new and old is valuable, but not all data should be stored the same! It should be segregated, and stored in a way that will be easily accessible for you, and valuable when building a report or reopening a claim or building a new strategy for upcoming sales and events.


No data is the same. So, why would anyone store it the same way? It’s about efficiency. The quicker you can find things, the more productive you will be, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters.

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You can shop around for your archiving solutions, but a good starting point would be to take a look at what JustCloud has to offer, and you can also visit Amazon to shop around and see what they have to offer as well.